Thursday, February 18, 2010


for some of the world it is lent. i wasn't raised in a liturgical church, nor do i set much store by religious forms--but taking time to examine and reflect is a good thing. several small things are coming together to encourage me to "observe lent" this year---where i am in life, my budding yoga practice, a book that was waiting for me at the thrift store, how my body is doing with the physical aspects of playing the violin, the ruts i'm in that are not so healthful...examining and dismantling "auto pilot" and "multi tasking" in most settings...and THE SUN IS OUT AGAIN TODAY!


  1. Reflections are a great thing...........Might be thousand miles away....but sending you the same energy I am trying to achieve as well!
    Love to hear your practices on yoga, as I am a novice, but excited for my journey.. I begin a class this Monday morning as well.....

  2. What book did you find? I would like to start yoga again. I was doing very short routines for a month or two in the fall, but they still seemed to make a difference. We had sun, too, it was quite warm actually!

  3. the book was christiane northrup's "the wisdom of menopause" (for $1.50)--you might prefer "women's bodies, women's wisdom" ; )--she's an MD and also into alternative medicine. my yoga classes are branching out into the meditation aspects a bit more, plus building more of a home practice. let me know how it's going, ness!

  4. I have seen Northrup talk via pbs here. Really knows her stuff! :)

  5. I've been doing some yoga, too! Usually half an hour to one-hour online videos for beginners (conveniently looked up via my TV through the Wii), so not very advanced. I find moving slowly suits me just fine, since I'm not flexible by any means. :) It's nice and relaxing, though. Good to know exercise doesn't have to be stressful.

  6. yoga as exercise is really as, "your mind lives in your body, your body reflects your mind, your body IS your mind?"

  7. Yeah, sometimes they'll say things like, "Feel the roots of your body going into the ground like a tree" or "Heal the aches in your body with the ointment from your mind" or things like that...and I realize I don't have any roots in the ground when I fall. lol It's kinda' funky.
